#50 - Write your SaaS Growth 📈

Google Ads on a budget, Cold Email Case Study, 2X your Conversions, 10 Tips on Landing Page, Hub and Spoke Content Plan

Welcome 280 Tech Founders and Marketers to the 50th edition of Write your SaaS Growth Newsletter:

In this edition, we discuss:

  • Google Ads: Win Google Ads without Massive Budget

  • Cold Outreach: Case Study on Writing a Cold Email

  • Growth Marketing: 2 Things to 2X your Conversions

  • Landing Pages: 10 Tips to Re-optimize your SaaS Landing Page

  • SEO: Building your Hub and Spoke Content Plan

Let’s GO!

Growth Tip of the Week! 🚀

Boris says no matter what your business is:

  1. Study your best customers

  2. Identify what makes them special, learn more about them

  3. Focus on getting more of them and forget the rest

Ads 📈

Is budget a resistance for you to run your SaaS? Or a lack of experience? Maybe you didn’t get results.

Luke says you don't need a massive budget to win with Google Ads. If you're smart, you can get big results with a little money.

  1. Campaign Objective First. when creating your campaign, make sure to select “Sales” as your objective and “Purchase” as your conversion action. This will make sure you’re bidding on clicks from people who are likely to buy.

  2. Go Manual Next. opt for manual CPC bidding and untick enhanced CPC. This will give you more control over your budget and bids.

  3. Set a Low Daily Budget Since this is a low-budget strategy, it’s recommended to start with a daily budget of around $20. Adjust as you profit and go along.

  4. Set Max CPC Bids Per Product. Use the product groups feature to set max CPC bids per product. Cap your bids to minimize irrelevant ad spending. Use the Google Keyword Planner to determine the best bid for each product.

  5. Set Negative Keywords As your campaign grows, exclude keywords that are not relevant to your product. This will prevent your ads from showing to people who are not interested in your product.

Starting a low-budget Google Ads campaign doesn’t have to be confusing. Just stick to the basics and your ad campaigns will grow in no time.

Cold Outreach 📈

Joe says 99% of the cold emails and DMs he receives are hot garbage. But he’s about to show you the best cold email he has received in YEARS.

This email was so damn good, I all but replied: "Take my money!" Here are 7 reasons why it worked (and how you can replicate it):

Before we dive in: I want you to carefully read every word in the email as you go through this thread. Notice how there isn't one word that's out of place. Every line transitions perfectly into the next line.

Here’s the message if you’d like to look at:

  1. Personalization Not a novel concept by any stretch... But executed perfectly here. The service I'm being pitched on is related to my newsletter. So instead of sending me a cold DM on Twitter, he replies to the welcome email of my newsletter and starts with a compliment.

  2. Leads with the benefit to me Not only does he lead with a benefit... It's hyper-specific. He knows how many subs I have and that I'm probably looking into paid ads now (I am). A quick signup test shows him I use Sparkloop/Upscribe. He clearly understands my goals.

  3. Shows some proof He leads with the benefit I want. And then immediately showcases why he's the guy to do it. 3 short sentences in, and I'm hooked. Now I start thinking: "Okay. Big promise. Now what?"

  4. Creates scarcity He basically says "I don't normally do this, but I'll make a special exception in your case." More social proof: "I typically work with 6-figure newsletters..."More personalization: "5-figure newsletter operators like yourself"

  5. Crystal clear offer I know exactly what I'm getting in a few, crisp bullet-points:

    1. 60-minute hands-on call

    2. 5 ad creatives to use instantly

    3. Personalized targeting strategy

    4. Opportunity to ask anything else

  6. Straightforward call to action Here's my rate. No fluff. Take it or leave it. Everything he has said up to this point tells me this is a great offer. But even then... I'm still skeptical. It feels too good to be true. So I do my own research...

  7. Passes the friend test Remember, he shared his pinned tweet at the beginning. So a quick look at his twitter profile shows me that he's followed by 18 people that I follow. I'm still skeptical so I text some of them asking if he's legit. And that wins the sale.

To recap, this is how you win with cold email:

  • Personalize

  • Create scarcity

  • Show some proof

  • Crystal clear offer

  • Pass the friend test

  • Lead with the benefit

  • Straightforward call to action It's not rocket science... Just damn good copywriting

🆘 Community Chat of the Week: 🆘

Have you run outreach campaigns for your SaaS? What are your biggest learnings/challenges?

Growth Marketing 📈

More often than not, there are simple shifts you can make to grow your SaaS with a higher % MRR. It’s similar with conversions. Often, simple tweaks can lead to massive results.

Samantha shares just two factors that could 2X your conversion rates:

To persuade your visitors to take action, you need to focus on two key factors:

  • Increase motivation

  • Reduce friction

But how?

  1.  Increase Motivation: 

You can increase the motivation to convert by:

  • Naming their pain and answering what's in it for them?

  • Showing social proof as evidence to increase trust

  • Answer their questions and worries upfront

  • Clearly stating the benefits

  • Strong design

  1. Reduce friction:

You can reduce friction by:

  • Simplifying the sign-up experience

  • Showing a clear call to action

  • Shortening time to value

Think back to your most recent purchase online: 

  1. What ultimately convinced you to buy?

  2. What questions did you have?

  3. How were they answered?

  4. What would you change?

We are all buyers. Start mapping out your own buying journey. It’ll help you see through the gaps.

How would you describe your SaaS product to a friend?

Marketing Tech Stack to Add this Week! 🧰


Are you doing sales outreach on LinkedIn?

Having a CRM with your LinkedIn outreach campaigns will have a significant impact on your campaigns. And to make that easy, Surfe can connect your CRM with LinkedIn in 60 seconds.

Ditch manual data entry & boost productivity for sales. With Surfe, you can add contacts, find qualified emails & synchronize LinkedIn & Sales Navigator conversations to the CRM through a simple chrome extension.

You can save hours of CRM gruntwork every week. No manual copy-paste anymore, perfect data accuracy. Get more time for selling and close more deals.

Over 80% of B2B leads come from LinkedIn, but it’s not optimized for sales. Surfe seamlessly integrates your CRM with LinkedIn for easier prospecting, contact entry, and deal management.

Landing Pages 📈

Basit says a visually stunning Landing Page is NOT enough! Your landing page copy is the real game-changer.

He shares 10 tips to help you master your SaaS landing page copy and turn your visitors into buyers:

  1. The Power of First Impressions Your landing page is your online storefront. It's the first encounter users have with your business A captivating headline and engaging copy are vital to grab attention, evoke curiosity, and make a strong first impression.If your headline isn't a compelling and attention-grabbing hook that sparks curiosity and entices users to explore further, your visitors will leave! Make it clear, concise, and aligned with your audience's needs and desires.

  2. Align with User Intent Put your audience at the center of your copy Understand their pain points, desires, and aspirations Speak directly to their needs and offer persuasive solutions Show how your product/service can make their lives better, easier or more successful.

  3. Keep It Clear & Concise Attention spans are short, so make every word count! Craft concise, scannable copy that conveys your message effectively: - Break up long paragraphs - use bullet points - subheadings to ensure easy readability - Be laser-focused and avoid jargon.

  4. Benefits Over Features. Instead of bombarding visitors with a long list of features, focus on highlighting the benefits they'll experience. Showcase how your product/service solves their problems, fulfills their desires or brings them closer to their goals.That's not to say don't include any features at all! Include important features but focus more on demonstrating the benefits your prospects will get because of the features of your product/service Paint a picture of the transformation they can achieve!

  5. 5. The Power of Storytelling Humans love stories! We're hardwired to connect emotionally. Use storytelling techniques to engage your audience. Paint a picture of the problem they face and show them how your product/service is the hero they've been waiting for!

  6. Irresistible Call to Action Your CTA is the ultimate goal of your landing page. Make it stand out visually, use action-oriented language, create a sense of urgency. Clearly communicate what users should do next and the value they'll receive by taking that action. Make it easy and enticing to convert!

  7. Clearly communicate what users should do next and the value they'll receive by taking that action. Make it easy and enticing to convert! Showcasing real-life examples of satisfied customers builds trust and credibility, making visitors more likely to convert.

  8. Urgency & Scarcity Create a sense of urgency or scarcity to motivate immediate action. For example, limited-time offers, exclusive deals, countdown timers. These can create a fear of missing out (FOMO) and encourage conversions. However, be authentic and transparent to maintain trust and credibility! Don't lie or use any gimmicky strategies.

  9. Mobile-Friendly Copy ~60% of online traffic comes from mobile devices So it's crucial to ensure your copy is optimized for mobile devices To do this: - Keep sentences & paragraphs short - use legible fonts - ensure your landing page is fully responsive and loads quickly

  10. Testing & Optimization Copywriting is an iterative process. Test different variations of Headlines, CTAs, and main copy elements. This will help you discover what resonates best with your audience.

Also make sure to analyze data, monitor user behavior, and make data-driven adjustments. Continuously optimize your landing page copy to help improve your conversion rates more and more over time.


SEO is more than just writing and publishing a good blog. It’s a whole different strategy where you have strategy + on-page, off-page, and technical SEO elements.

Brook shares how to create and map out your content calendar, understand writing sequences, and post content with internal links.

Create a Content Calendar The first thing you want to do is create a content calendar so you have a direct plan for your content over the coming weeks/months.

He shares to provide 2-3 posts per week for 17 weeks that you can map out including:

  • Article Title

  • Hub/Spoke Option

  • Date that you Post

  • Notes

This will help you map out your content for the following 17 weeks.

After doing this you'll have a clear schedule to go forward with that will help make things that much easier in terms of organization.

Create your Hub and Spoke Templates

Have different “templates” for the same kind of page. For example, you can have 2 “target audience” page templates.

Given that your hub piece and spoke pieces are doing drastically different things, it will be useful for you to create different templates for each.

The hub piece should be introductory in nature and should link out to the various spoke pieces. The spoke pieces will be more plain and informative, and simply aim to provide insight and information on a particular topic.

Complete your Spoke Pieces Spokes 

When writing your content pieces, I recommend first writing out your various spoke pieces on a given topic. Once the spoke pieces are complete, you will be very knowledgeable about your hub.

Then write your Hubs

Once you become knowledgeable about your hub topic, you can use your various spoke pieces of content and summarize them within your “hub” piece of content.

The goal of the hub is to summarize the topic. The spokes are where you can delve deeper and provide more nuance on something. Given this, the hub piece should simply be a summarization of the various spoke pieces.

Implement internal links

When posting, the goal should be to implement your internal links in a structurally sound way across the website.

You should already have your internal links planned out from previous modules. By writing out all of your spokes and hubs (collections, blogs, etc.) on a particular topic, you can post them all at one time with your internal links implemented from the beginning,

He also shares a helpful article for Article Planning from Ahrefs.

How can we help each other? 🥅

  • Would you like any of your product or marketing story to be featured in our upcoming newsletters with the community? Send me a DM on Twitter!

  • Are you providing any marketing services to SaaS and tech companies? We’re vetting marketing experts to help SaaS companies hire specific marketers. You can apply here.

  • Let me help you build a marketing channel strategy for your Tech Product. Know more

Thanks for reading! SaaSwrites is a humble attempt to help SaaS founders and marketers grow their SaaS.

See you next Saturday.


P.S. If you liked this edition, it would mean the world to us if you share it with your friends. :) Thank you in advance!

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